10.30am - 12.30pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Alia College

The program offers a welcoming, patient and flexible approach to helping students return to school
Make inquiries to the REP team by emailing rep@alia.vic.edu.au or call the Alia College office on 9822 9622

The Re-Engagement Program at Alia College runs from 10.30am-12.30pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in a dedicated space at Alia College.

The main aim of the program is to build academic and social confidence that encourages students to return to day-to-day classes at Alia or elsewhere.

The program is designed to be modified for each student, with a view to bringing them into a classroom environment at their own pace. Some might start with their own hours, others who are more comfortable might join the main group, and still others might use the space as an anchor as they begin to engage with the regular school schedule.

We have the advantage of being connected to a five day a week functioning school. You can read more about Alia College itself on the school website. We see this as an advantage because it brings students in the program into a school community from the beginning, though they get to choose the level of their interaction. As students in the program become more comfortable they will find the transition into the classroom less difficult because they are already familiar with the environment.

Although not an environment designed to accommodate students with social and emotional struggles, Alia has proved over the last 20 years to be a place where students who otherwise don’t want to go to school actually do go to school.